Viva CalleSJ in San Jose - Free Event

Sunday, October 11, 2015, 2015 @ 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

San Jose, CA

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Viva CalleSJ is a free program that temporarily closes miles of San Jose streets to bring communities together to walk, bike, skate, play, and explore the city like never before. We are calling the inaugural route Downtown and Eastbound. It will stretch 6 miles from Emma Prusch Farm Park to the Calle Willow Business District and through Downtown to St. James Park.

There is no beginning or end. You can start anywhere and go as far as you would like. The flow of participants goes both ways, just like regular traffic.

What should you expect?
* Free yoga workshops
* Music performances
* Free Zumba classes.
* Hula dancing.
* Drumming circle.
* And more…

Cost: Free

The full listing for October 2015 events: