Saturday, October 24, 2015 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Rogue and Saint Fitness
1919 Mission Street,
San Francisco, CA 94103
Develop ability to sense and feel the bones, muscles and
motions of your pelvis.
With imagery and yoga poses, you hone in on both the
mental and physical awareness of the bones and muscles of your pelvis and how
they move.
As a result, you can enjoy these benefits in this 2-hour
* Deepening your breath
* Softness in neck and shoulders
* Relaxed hips and back
* Increased sexual response
* A deeper sense of presence in your body
This workshop will be interactive and fun, expanding your
mind through imagery and humor. Learn to strengthen your true core, including
the powerful muscles the diaphragm and the iliopsoas.
Cost: $40